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保险人 insurer
投保人 insurant
保险客户 policyholder
保险商 underwriter
保险额 risk
保险费 premium
保单 policy
保险代理人 insurance agent
保险总额 coverage
保险经纪人 insurance broker
【 A 】
Abandonment 见"委付"
Actual Total Loss 见"实际全损"
All Risks 见"一切险"
Annuities Insurance 见"年金保险"
Applicant 见"投保人"
Application 见"投保单"
Approved 见"承保"
Automatic Premium Loan 见"自动垫交保险费贷款"
【 B 】
Beneficiary 见"受益人"
Binder, Binding Slip 见"暂保单"
保险法(Law of Insurance)
保险基金(Insurance Fund)
保险合同(Insurance Contract)
保险凭证(Insurance Certificate)
保险标的(Insurance subject)
保险金额(Insured Amount)
保险价值(Insured Value)
保险期限(Insurance Period)
保险费(Insurance Premium)
保险费率(Premium Rate)
补偿原则(Principle of Compensation)
不定值保险(Unvalued Insurance)
【 C 】
Cash Loss 见"现金赔款"
Cash Value 见"现金价值"
Claim Settlement 见"理赔"
Co-insurance 见"共同保险"
Constructive Total Loss 见"推定全损"
纯粹危险(Pure Risk)
重复保险(Multiple Insurance)
重置价值保险(Reinstatement Value Insurance)
承保(Approved, To Cover)
船舶保险(Hull Insurance)
财产保险(Property Insurance)
产品责任保险(Product Liability Insurance)
【 D 】
Dividend System 见"红利制度"
Dual Valuation Clause 见"双重价值条款"
大数法则(Law of Large Numbers)
代位求偿权(Subrogation Right)
定值保险(Valued Insurance)
第一损失保险(First Loss Insurance)
定期寿险(Term Insurance)
定期生存保险(Pure Endowments)
【 E 】
Endowment Assurance 见"生死两全保险"
Endorsement 见"批单"
Extraneous Risks 见"附加险"
Erection All Risks Insurance 见"安装工程一切险"
Excess of Loss Ratio Reinsurance 见"超额赔付率再保险"
Excess of Loss Reinsurance 见"超额赔款再保险"
Extra Charges 见"额外费用"
【 F 】
Facultative Reinsurance 见"临时再保险"
Fidelity Bond 见"忠诚保证保险"
Fire Insurance 见"火灾保险"
First Loss Insurance 见"第一损失保险"
Free from Particular Average 见"平安险"
Freight Insurance 见"运费保险"
附加险(Extraneous Risks)
【 G 】
Grace Period 见"宽限期"
Group Life Accident Insurance 见"团体人身意外伤害保险"
Group Life Insurance 见"团体人身保险"
公众责任保险(Public Liability Insurance)
【 H 】
Hazard 见"危险因素"
Health Insurance 见"疾病保险"
Hull Insurance 见"船舶保险"
海上保险(Marine Insurance)
火灾保险(Fire Insurance)
红利制度(Dividend System)
【 I 】
Increased Value Clause见“增值条款”
Industrial Life Assurance见“简易人身保险”
Inherent Vice见“内在缺陷”
Insurance Agent见“保险代理人”
Insurance Amount见“保险金额”
Insurance Broker见“保险经纪人”
Insurance Certificate见“保险凭证”
Insurance Clauses见“保险条款”
Insurance Company见“保险公司”
Insurance Contract见“保险合同”
Insurance Fund见“保险基金”
Insurance Period见“保险期限”
Insurance Premium见“保险费”
Insurance Subject见“保险标的”
【 J 】
Joint Life Insurance见“联合人寿保险”
近因(Proximate Cause)
救助费用(Salvage Charge)
家庭财产保险(Property Insurance for Home)
疾病保险(Health Insurance)
简易人身保险(Industrial Life Assurance)
均衡纯保费(Level Premium)
【 L 】
Law of Insurance见“保险法”
Level Premium见“均衡纯保费”
Liability Insurance见“责任保险”
Life Accident Insurance见“人身意外伤害保险”
Life Insurance Reserve见“人寿保险责任准备金”
Life Insurance Actuary见“人寿保险精算师”
Life Insurance见“人寿保险”
Life Expectancy见“平均余命”
Life Table见“生命表”
Lodge a Claim见“索赔”
Loss Ratio见“损失率”
理赔(Claim Settlement)
利润损失险(Profit Loss Insurance)
劳工保险和雇主责任保险(Workers Compensation and Employer Liability Insurance)
联合人寿保险(Joint Life Insurance)
【 M 】
Marine Insurance见“海上保险”
Multiple Insurance见“重复保险”
【 N 】
Natural Premium见“自然纯保费”
内在缺陷(Inherent Vice)
年金保险(Annuities Insurance)
【 O 】
Open Cover Reinsurance见“预约再保险”
Outstanding Loss Reserve见“未决赔款准备金”
【 P 】
Particular Charges见“单独费用”
Personal Pension Annuities见“退休年金保险”
Personal Insurance见“人身保险”
Premium Rate见“保险费率”
Principle of Compensation见“补偿原则”
Product Liability Insurance见“产品责任保险”
Professional Liability Insurance见“职业责任保险”
Profit Loss Insurance见“利润损失险”
Property Insurance见“财产保险”
Property Insurance for Enterprises见“企业财产保险”
Property Insurance for Home见“家庭财产保险”
Proximate Cause见“近因”
Public Liability Insurance见“公众责任保险”
Protection and Indemnity Insurance见“保障与赔偿保险”
Pure Endowments见“定期生存保险”
Pure Risk见“纯粹危险”
平均余命(Life Expectancy)
【 Q 】
Quota Share Reinsurance见“成数再保险”
弃权与禁止反言(Waiver and Estelle)
企业财产保险(Property Insurance for Enterprises)
【 R 】
Reinstatement Value Insurance见“重置价值保险”
Risk Management见“危险管理”
Risk Unit见“危险单位”
人身保险(Personal Insurance)
人寿保险(Life Insurance)
人身意外伤害保险(Life Accident Insurance)
人寿保险责任准备金(Life Insurance Reserve)
【 S 】
Salvage Charge见“救助费用”
Special Charges见“特别费用”
Subrogation Right见“代位求偿权”
Sue and Labor Expenses见“施救费用”
Suicide Clauses见“自杀条款”
Surplus Reinsurance见“溢额再保险”
损失率(Loss Ratio)
索赔(Lodge a Claim)
实际全损(Actual Total Loss)
生死两全保险(Endowment Assurance)
施救费用(Sue and Labor Expenses)
生命表(Life Table)
 T 】
Term Insurance见“定期寿险”
To Cancel见“退保”
Treaty Reinsurance见“和约再保险”
退保(To Cancel)
推定全损(Constructive Total Loss)
退休年金保险(Personal Pension Annuities)
团体人身保险(Group Life Insurance)
团体人身意外伤害保险(Group Life Accident Insurance)
【 U 】
Unearned Premium Reserve见“未到期责任准备金”
Unvalued Insurance见“不定值保险”
Utmost Good Faith见“最大诚信”
【 V 】
Valued Insurance见“定值保险”
【 W 】
Waiver and Estelle见“弃权与禁止反言”
Whole Life Insurance见“终身寿险”
Workers Compensation and Employer Liability Insurance见“劳工保险和雇主责任保险”

危险单位(Risk Unit)
危险管理(Risk Management)
未到期责任准备金(Unearned Premium Reserve)
未决赔款准备金(Outstanding Loss Reserve)
暂保单(Binder,Binding Slip)
最大诚信(Utmost Good Faith)
忠诚保证保险(Fidelity Bond)
责任保险(Liability Insurance)
职业责任保险(Professional Liability Insurance)
终身寿险(Whole Life Insurance)
自然纯保费(Natural Premium)
自动垫交保险费贷款(Automatic Premium Loan)
自杀条款(Suicide Clauses)
再保险( Reinsurance)
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